Dr.Duino's Escape From Oonie Island Adventure In Electronics
A story driven adventure in electronics and coding where you'll learn how to code and get started with electronics in just 7 days!
Dr.Duino Inventor Edition Reviewed By QST Magazine
QST Magazine Reviews the Dr.Duino Inventor Edition.
Is memory really that simple?
You've probably seen, when comparing different Arduino boards, a list similar to this:
What is all of that? It's certainly overwhelming for an...
How to hack some hardware
So you've hacked apart some hardware, now what?
Last week you had to get the AVR dude back in line. He just wasn't letting you upload to your Ardu...
Help...I can't upload!
What to do when you can't upload your sketch to the Arduino. Some easy to try tips and tricks await you in this post on what you can do to banish the dreaded AVRDude error code!
Upgrading Your Electronics Arsenal
I've been doing a lot of soldering lately, and needed to upgrade what I currently have. Well, lets look into each upgrade one by one! You'll definitely want to pick these up.
Multithreading in a single Arduino, is it possible?
This morning I woke up to an email from a customer asking if multi-threading within a single Arduino is possible.
Meaning, can you do multiple thi...
Can You Sell a Product with an Arduino Board Inside?
Find out if you can sell your own invention powered by an Arduino type board like an Arduino Uno or Nano.
Dr.Duino's Reactive Lighting Engine for RC Vehicles
adding motion senstive lighting to an RC car using the Dr.Duino Pioneer and MPU-6050.
What's better, Arduino Or Raspberry Pi?
what's better Arduino or Raspberry Pi? That is the question! Lets take a look and break it down, the answer will definitely surprise you. The ultimate Raspberry Pi Vs. Arduino guide.
EEjournal Featured Article-How Dr.Duino Can Help get you Started With Microcontrollers and Programming
Check out this fantastic article in EEjournal about getting started with Programming and Microcontrollers. There is an entire section dedicated to ...
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