OSHW and Sparkfun TED Talks
Recently I watched the TED talk on Sparkfun, given by the owner of Sparkfun Nathan Seidle. If you are not familiar with TED talks, you really have ...
Orbis and Hackaday
On my “about-us” page, I talk about my biggest #make to date. Something I like to call “Orbis- The amazing #Arduino Kinetic Sculpture.” Well as o...
ESC Boston and
Dr. Duino has made front page on for this years Embedded systems conference 2015. Check out the article now! This article was writte...
DrDuino at the Embedded Systems Conference!
Please join me (Guido Bonelli aka Dr.Duino) for an exciting dive into the world of “Making” using Arduino at this year’s ESC Boston 2015. There w...
Dr.Duino Distributor Announcement!
Today I'm proud to announce my first distributor who will be carrying Dr.DuinoTM. Okaphone, an electronics distributor who was founded in the 193...
Dr.Duino™ Bin Full-O Boxes Winner Announced
What an amazing turn out for our contest! Well, as promised today the winner of the Dr.Duino contest to determine the number of boxes in the Bin-O ...
Dr.Duino's Bin Full-O-Boxes!!
Welcome to another exciting episode of Fun with Dr.Duino Blog.
Today I have for you The Bin full-O Boxes challenge and status update!
The Bin Ful...
Dr.Duino PCB Build status PLUS parts
Hello Dr.Duino Users!
Today we have another action packed post #Kickstarter campaign update! Below is picture of Dr.Duino after coming out of the ...
Dr.Duino's New Feature Arduino Serial port
Ok guys, sorry for the long delay. I bought some new gear to be able to make better videos so had some setup to perform.... well without further ad...
Dr.Duino fully functional first article build has arrived
Happy Holidays! Guess what? There is a Santa Claus. Look what he brought us!
Dr.Duino worlds first Arduino hardware debugger!
YEP, IT'...